Minus van Baalen's

Correlation Dynamics Packages

My set of tools for dealing with correlation dynamics models consists of a number of Mathematica packages and a runtime written in c. Available are the following:

demo.nb.gz the demo notebook (with all there is currently in the way of documentation) (108KB, gzipped)
vanBaalen2000.pdf a chapter I contributed to a book outlining the theory behind all this (320 kB)
PCA.v28.m the package needed for defining and running out cellular automata
IPA.v16.m the package needed for deriving correlation dynamics equations
simpca.v29.tgz a "tar ball" with the c code for the runtime (not currently available)
simpca29.exe.zip runtime compiled for windows (tried on windows 95, 98 and xp, zipped) (not currently available)
simpca29.gz runtime compiled for the Mac OS X flavour of unix (gzipped)

The packages and the runtime are still in development and have not cristallized yet (if only to introduce new bugs from time to time and other features...). I guarantee nothing concerning its correctness or even its usefulness, but whoever nevertheless wants to give it a try is welcome. If there are problems or if you have questions contact me.

Last update February 8, 2005 by myself.