Minus van Baalen

Thesis Contents




1. Coevolution of patch selection strategies of predator and prey and the consequences for ecological stability

Am. Nat. 142: 646-670 (1993)

2. Non-equilibrium population dynamics of 'ideal and free' prey and predators

Am. Nat. 154: 69-88 (1999)

3. Alternative food, switching predators, and the persistence of predator-prey systems

Am. Nat. 157: 512-524 (2001)

4. The Milker-Killer dilemma in spatially structured predator-prey interactions

Oikos 74: 391-400 (1995)

5. The dynamics of multiple infection and the evolution of virulence

Am. Nat. 146: 881-910 (1995)

6. The scope for virulence management: a comment on Ewald's view on the evolution of virulence

Tr. Microbiol. 3: 414-416 (1995)

All chapters from my thesis have now been published (phew!)
In the process, they have benefitted enormously from the
collaborative effort of a large number of people. Thanks!

Last update June 7, 2001 by myself